APNet Committees
- Communication & Public Relations
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Research & Career Policy
- Support & Funding
- Network Growth & Sustainability
Role: Prepare and promote all outreach-related activities by receiving input from all committees
Envisioned tasks, including but limited to:
- Build digital infrastructure (website)
- Update social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
- Create monthly newsletters
- Take care of advertisements
- Print posters and flyers
Role: Highlight and embrace the diversity of our profession
Envisioned tasks, including but limited to:
- Promote gender balance
- Support international members
- Support L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ members
- Promote cultural differences at work
- Share experiences of our members
Role: Contribute and influence current research and career policies
Envisioned tasks, including but limited to:
- Secure more funding opportunities
- Collect opinions and experiences on recognition & rewards
- Decrease work pressure and load
- Balance research and teaching load
- Unite tenure-track and promotion criteria
- Increase job security and salary scales
- Define family policy
Role: Support our members in various aspects of our work
Envisioned tasks, including but limited to:
- Locate current grants & fellowships
- Form collaborations, networks and consortia
- Promote research independence as a young PI
- Build up a group and recruit members
- Promote a healthy work-life balance
- Improve mental health
- Provide with training opportunities
Role: Build and grow a sustainable network
Envisioned tasks, including but limited to:
- Locate representatives from as many as possible institutions
- Build local university networks
- Attract new members
- Find sponsors and donations
- Organise (bi-)annual meetings
- Connect with other organisations