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t.a.v. Anouk Beniest
Dept. of Earth Sciences
De Boelelaan 1085
The Netherlands

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Naam van de instelling: Assistant Professors Netherlands Network
RSIN of fiscaal nummer: 864032080
Contactgegevens van de instelling:
Duidelijke beschrijving van de doelstelling: Goal of APNet: APNet is a member-based organisation that aims to connect peers through a national network and lobby on national level for the rights and needs of Assistant Professors in the Netherlands. 
Hoofdlijnen van het beleidsplan: See the Policy/Strategic plan APNet
Functies en namen van de bestuurders: President – Ioana IIie / Vice President – Athina Vidaki / Secretary – Stephan Hacker
Beloningsbeleid: Financial rewards: APNet is a non-profit organisation. All members of the board are volunteers and do not receive any remuneration for their work. The membership fee is used to cover basic administrative costs like the website and travel costs for members who participate in a lobbying activity.
Verslag van de uitgeoefende activiteiten en financiële verantwoording: See the Yearly Report.

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